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Durags for ALL

We tend to see images and depictions of men wearing Durags.  However, what about ladies?  What about the female wave or the lady with corn rolls or the lady with a nice fresh blowout?  What about young boys and girls?  Are Durags meant for them also?

We must admit that we do tend to advertise our Durags for wavers. However, waving does not have a gender.  There are both male and female wavers.  Even more so, I use our Durags for my hair whether it is braided, straightened or in a protective style (like twist) for the night while I sleep.  Our Durags, because of the design, stay on my head better than a night cap and helps me protect my hair.  So yes, our Durags are for all types of hair in both men and women!

Mrs. Rimix with Durag


But what about children? Well, since our oldest son was 4 yrs old, he has been wearing the Rimix by Rico Silky Durag.  Rimix Jr. has been working hard to groom his waves and at 5 yrs old he has even seen his first waves.

Rimix Jr.

Train up a child in the way in which he should go and when he is old he will not depart.  That nugget of wisdom works in all facets of a child's life.  We are training our son to be a Mighty Man of Valor and also a waver.  A part of that training is having the correct products to use.  No matter how much a person brushes if the products are not good, the results will not be.  Rimix Jr. uses our brush, moisturizer, wave butter, and Durags.  His says when I get ready to brush his hair, "Momma, are you about to put some of our products in my hair!? I like they way the red one smells."

Rimix Jr. waves

If you ever wondered who can use our Durags and/or what age can use them, let me clear the air.  OUR DURAGS ARE FOR ALL!

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